Work With Us

At the ICC, we believe that our team is the key to the successful delivery of the Institute’s programs and to sustaining success over the long term. Our team members bring a diversity of perspectives, passions, and talents to citizenship building and advocacy and reflect the lived experiences of Canadian society.  

Our Values


We believe that Canada is the most welcoming country on Earth, and we work to foster a sense of belonging in all who participate in our programming, building memories and a sense of ownership. 


Our role is to unlock Canada for newcomers, giving them a chance to be fully involved in all that Canada has to offer from the moment they arrive.  

Active Citizenship

We encourage all Canadians to take seriously the responsibilities of citizenship, through participating in Canadian political life, volunteering and becoming involved in their communities. 


We engage in reconciliation efforts by education ourselves, directing newcomers to reconciliation resources, and using our platforms to be strong voices for advocating for indigenous peoples.

We’re Hiring

The Rt. Hon. Adrienne Clarkson and John Ralston Saul


Institute for Canadian Citizenship

“We built the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) on the basis of a simple vision: a society where everyone belongs is one we can all be proud to call home. Our goal is to unlock Canada for newcomers, in hopes that we can make our country a more welcoming place.”