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The Foundry Room, Edmonton, Alberta
On May 9th, 2024, something truly special happened in Edmonton. At The Foundry, forty-two individuals from ten different countries took a significant step in their journey as they officially became Canadian citizens. The ceremony, filled with cultural richness, echoed themes of unity and celebration of identity.
The Ceremony started with George Desjarlais, a respected indigenous representative, sharing insights into indigenous representation in Edmonton. He emphasized the importance of inclusivity, sparking meaningful conversations among attendees. The Roundtable discussions also proved to be a powerful platform for understanding and dialogue.
The atmosphere was enriched by an incredible performance of the bilingual National Anthem by Ben Spencer. Accompanying him, Subash Giri skillfully played the harmonium, infusing the ceremony with a melodic charm that resonated with the audience.
Troy Davies, CEO of Catholic Social Services, also joined the ceremony and took the opportunity to offer congratulatory remarks to the candidates, recognizing the magnitude of this occasion in their lives. With warmth and sincerity, he applauded their resilience, courage, and commitment to embracing their new Canadian identity.
The ceremony also shed light on Mental Health Week, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being. This thoughtful inclusion served as a reminder of the support and empowerment available to all. As the ceremony concluded, it left a lasting impression on everyone present. It stood as a testament to the beauty of diversity, the strength of inclusion, and the endless possibilities that arise when individuals unite in celebration.
Photos and More Information
To view photos of the Citizenship Ceremony, click here.
With ICC’s Enhanced Citizenship Ceremonies, established Canadians have the ability to connect with new citizens building stronger community relationships. If you are interested in volunteering as a roundtable host at one of our ceremonies, please contact