Meet CAP Member Ali


Ali Sayedi first came to Canada from Iran for a seminar in 2003. After spending two weeks here, he quickly found Canada to be the “country of opportunities” and decided to stay to continue his career.

In February of this year, Ali became a Canadian citizen and picked up his Cultural Access Pass shortly afterwards. His interests include exploring different cultures, and also hiking. As a result, he mostly uses his CAP card to visit national parks and take in musical events. He also plans on using his one-time-use 50% off VIA Rail coupon over the summer to explore more of Canada.

“Canada is a beautiful country and has friendly people; I like it,” says Ali. Of CAP, he says that the pass it helps keep him informed about arts and culture events happening in his community. “I am getting familiar with new culture and places. [Cultural spaces] provide an environment for more communication and studying.”

When we asked what is the most important thing all Canadians should know about new Canadian citizens is, Aly said:  “They are Canadian but just came later!”

About CAP: For nearly 10 years, the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) has delivered the Cultural Access Pass (CAP), an innovative, best-in-class program that gives new citizens access to Canadian culture. It’s time to shift CAP to the digital age. Support the ICC.

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Cultural Access Pass


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