I am from Germany and came to Canada in 2004 for the first time. I was in my twenties on a work and travel visa, [and I] just wanted to see different places and experience life on a different continent. It’s funny, but I never felt “unwelcome” in Canada.
I chose [to move to] Canada because of its peaceful and friendly reputation. Also, coming from Germany, a very dense populated country, I wanted to experience living in a country that is still undomesticated in areas.
I became a Canadian citizen in January 2018. Since [becoming] Canadian, I feel more connected to my community. Also, I have two children that were born in Canada and are naturally Canadian citizens. Now, I have the same nationality as my children and spouse, which unites us as a family on a different level.
[As a citizen,] I believe that it’s important to stay informed about our country, politics and environment. For me as a Canadian, I want to contribute to my community and follow my values. To do so, I take my right to vote, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly very seriously.
I [have] used the Cultural Access Pass a few times [already]. We went to museums in Vancouver and on a trip to Victoria, we also visited some venues on Vancouver Island. I usually take my kids along. Especially learning about the Indigenous people at the Museum of Anthropology and the Royal BC Museum made a big impact on me and my older son.
Going to cultural places broadens my horizons. I learn about the culture and the history and that leads to new perspectives. I [have] visited a lot of venues and learned about Canadian history, Indigenous people, our natural environment, art and much more.
I believe that it’s important for new Canadians to integrate into the Canadian society. Community centres [like libraries] are a great place to connect. I find that by providing, for example, classes, people from different backgrounds can come together and get to know one another.
In Vancouver there is a variety of different cultures [and] I believe that, as an immigrant, I bring my culture and my history to Canada. My identity is both German and Canadian. New Canadian citizens are adding more diversity to our society. We can certainly learn from one another and become more tolerant and accepting.
About CAP: For nearly 10 years, the Institute for Canadian Citizenship (ICC) has delivered the Cultural Access Pass (CAP), an innovative, best-in-class program that gives new citizens access to Canadian culture. It’s time to shift CAP to the digital age. Support the ICC.
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