The Fashion History Museum joins the CAP program


The Cultural Access Pass  provides members with free admission to more than 1,400 of Canada’s premier cultural attractions, as well as discounts to travel and explore during their first year of citizenship.

This month, the Fashion History Museum in Cambridge, ON, joins the CAP program to welcome new Canadian citizens with free general admission as a CAP Attraction. The Fashion History Museum was founded in 2004; on June 27, 2015, the museum opened quietly in it’s new location in the old post office of the former town of Hespeler (now north Cambridge). The official opening of the museum took place March 10, 2016 with a ceremonial cutting of a ribbon with 76 guests in attendance. Like food and shelter, clothing is a necessity as well as a cultural expression. The fashion industry employs millions around the world and is a driving force behind the global economy. But fashion is also ephemeral, whimsically responding to changes in technology, taste, the economy, and social mores. The journey fashion takes from inception to production and from popular to passe is a fascinating story worthy of being told.

If you are a CAP member and live in Cambridge, or the surrounding area, be sure to visit to explore this museum.

To find attractions in your area, head to Cultural Access Pass Directory and search your city.


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